Monika Piotrowska

Hi, I'm Monika!

Creative and driven individual who is passionate, curious and excited by new technologies, I'm currently working as a frontend developer and getting exposed to various frontend frameworks and technologies to enhance my skill set. I am a fast learner with attention to detail as well as great interpersonal skills and a relaxed temperament.


Todo App

This project was built using React and context API, Typescript and Tailwind.

Design Agency Website

Design Agency website built with NextJS and deployed on Netlify.

A quiz application

A trivia app built using Create React App.

Weather app

Weather app built with Create React App using the openweathermap api.

Airbnb clone

Airbnb clone site built with React and context API for state management.

My portolio site, built on NextJS.

My portfolio built with React and Nextjs. I'll be updating it regularly with all new projects.